AM 국제본부, ’25 Days of Christmas’ 미디어 캠페인 계획

AM 국제본부가 성탄절을 고대하며, “25 Days of Christmas”캠페인을 진행한다.

이 캠페인은 12월1일부터 25일까지 Instagram 소셜 미디어 페이지에서 진행되며, 성탄절의 깊은 의미를 소셜 미디어를 통해 공유하게 된다. 캠페인의 마지막 12일 동안에는 AM 스탭들과 멤버들이 성탄절이 각 사람에게 의미하는 바가 무엇인지 설명하는 짧은 간증을 녹음 할 것이다.

AM 국제본부는 이를 통해 “Instagram을 사용하는 청년들에게 예수 그리스도의 복음을 전하고, 성경공부에 참여하고자 하는 이들이 더 많이 연결될 수 있기를 소망한다”고 전했다.


To kick off the month of December and the Christmas Holiday, AM HQ staff thought of creative strategies that would both be fun and inviting for more members to join the fellowship. There were many ideas, but one that was decided upon was “25 Days of Christmas.”

25 Days of Christmas will be conducted on our Instagram social media page. It begins on Dec. 1st and ends on Dec. 25th. It is a social media campaign to share about the deep meaning of Christmas. The last 12 days will include short recorded testimonies from us and our current bible students explaining what Christmas means to us. In addition, the testimonies will be accompanied with bible scriptures.

The staff is excited to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with many of the followers on Instagram.
The hope is that by being active with our Instagram community, we will receive more students who are interested in learning about Jesus.

And as the year is coming to an end, we pray that many souls will be touched by the good news of the Gospel and that they will have a desire to follow the Lord.