Gospel Transcends Circumstances, Keeps Spreading in Crisis

Under the stay order in the Philippines, AM Bible Studies and Weekly Meetings are continuing.

The leaders in AM Philippines shared the news of increasing online participants and photos of people who join the programs across the country.

“There are even more people in the Philippines who wonder what the Bible speaks about and how God wants to meet us in this crisis,” said Rachel Carrumba, a Bible Teacher in AM Cebu.

The group called, “Online Life Group”, created by AM Philippines, has been gaining more people with a faster speed than the usual time before Covid-19 breakout. Although some people had network issues, students consistently joined the bible study program held online live by the staff.

The program begins with two or three praises and prayer. This week, the teacher guided participants to open John Chapter 11 where Lazarus was brought back to life even after two days since he died. “I am the resurrection and the life” said Jesus looking at surrounding Jews, all fallen in despair of death.

The speaker expounded the meaning and power of life Jesus unveiled through raising Lazarus, who was already dead. Participants were reminded of the importance of faith and trust during the time that God seems to be silent, unresponsive of our desperate requests. The two day period when Lazarus was at the tomb is a time for all believers to set up their faith in God who raises the dead to life.

The teacher stressed that the times of sickness and suffering will face the end according to God’s will. The message encouraged everyone to form a deeper relationship with God during this time.

The gospel is not hindered in spreading even in situations locked down due to the virus. Prayer is that the Lord brings new revival in the country of the Philippines.